Kick-Off meeting

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Kick off meeting


The kick-off meeting for the “FOREE” project was held at FAST Pichl in Styria, Austria, in early February 2023. The project brings together partners from Italy, Estonia, Germany, and Austria to revolutionize European forestry education.

The primary objective of FOREE is to transform traditional classroom-based forestry courses into a dynamic and flexible hybrid education system. This innovative approach will be achieved through the integration of digital learning concepts, tools, and platforms into adult forestry training courses.

By harnessing the power of digital technologies, FOREE aims to boost the digital competences and skills of forestry trainers. This initiative will not only equip trainers with the latest tools but also aims to increase acceptance and enthusiasm for combining digital learning formats with traditional on-site teaching methods.

Working collaboratively, the project partners will develop a comprehensive “train-the-trainer” course. This course will focus on equipping forestry trainers with the necessary expertise to effectively implement blended learning models in their training programs.

Additionally, FOREE will create a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) specifically dedicated to blended learning models for forestry training. This MOOC will be made accessible to a wide audience, allowing participants from across Europe to benefit from the innovative practices being developed.

The FOREE project envisions a brighter future for European forestry education, ensuring that learners have access to the best possible training, combining the strengths of both digital and traditional teaching methods. Together, we can pave the way for a more sustainable and knowledgeable forestry workforce! #EducationForAll #SustainableForestry #LearningInnovation

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